This week I decided to continue the angular stack. I’ve come to appreciate angular, it feels like it’s easier to pick up then react. The code feels cleaner, I think the seperation in languages definitely helps that. HTML template’s are seperated into different files, where the logic is seperated in it’s own right. React does seperate the HTML “templates” or the stateless components to the logic, however you are still injecting into the virtual DOM using JSX, wether you are using the component or a container. The only seperation of languages really are the actions with redux and the reducers.
Of course I have just scratched the surface of Angular, so oen can only imagine what happens when code starts to pile up. How neat will it be down the line? At the moment it may seem relatively neat because of the simplicity of the codes in the labs i’ve been doing. But as for now I can come to see Angular for what it is, it’s definetly simpler to understand then React if I were to go back to my first day of coding, I would probably understand Angular more so then React.