The Angular story continues. The difference between Angular and React unravel a little more. As I progress through the track the differences in the way Angular and React work becomes clearer. Different methodologies are used in displaying information rendering to the Dom vs Virutal Dom with JSX and now getting information from an API. Different frameworks begets different tools. So these nuiances are a given, but it’s defintely something to note.
The biggest difference to note is still virtual dom and the actual dom. The virtual dom would in theory be relatively faster as you are rendering things partially as things change and not rerendering the entire DOM. Angular on the other hand uses JS to alter the DOM. On the other hand with Angular there is seperation in languages - which makes it easier to read.
Still practicing though and I’ll get there. There is a lot of learn I’ll progress on. This is a shorter post on Angular as I’ve been reading some books and practicing some data structure questions. I still can’t wrap my head around some of these math questions, I don’t believe it’s an issue with deconstruting the code itself as there are some ideas in Mathematics that I have not used in awhile.
There is so much to learn, and so many available resources out there. Sometimes a recomendation or two goes a long way.