Validation with Regex....

Posted by r0tiart on January 12, 2018

I was recently presented with a challenge to develop a two page responsive microsite. This project involved creating validations for a form fields, enter Regex. I have to be honest Regex… is not my best topic, I had to scoure StackOverFlow for similar functions and played around with it on This blog post is the intermission.

Regex is an amazing tool, but the amount of variety one can obtain even with a cheat sheet available is astronomical. There are a lot of resources out there, like cheat sheets and common expressions used. I was able to locate via a search which will come in handy when I continue the challange to validate zipcodes and states.

Once you figure out or believe you can utilize Regex, the best bet is to see if anyone has done it already - or find the closest one similiar and work off of it.