Coding 101

A journey into the life

Education And Tech

I recently checked out some Ted talks on education and tech. There were a couple of inspirations of what peaked my curiosity. I’ve recently been in contact with a company called New Visions that has recently started a tech department to help improve the technical infrastructure of public schools.

Future Fetcher/evolution of code

So I recently read an article about the end of Redux and welcoming Future Fetcher. The article talks about how redux has been falling out of favor with developers due to its complexity. The idea of Future Fetcher is to bring a simpler way of state management.

Life Cycle Events

While working on Angular - directives the lessons came across “link” and “compile”. Like React Angular has life cycle events, however there seems to be less interaction with each step within the lifecycle (thus far that is). As this isn’t the first interaction with life cycle events, there seems to be a common theme for front end frame works. To determine what is the “now” and what the elements are or state is at that moment in time.

continuing angular stack

This week I decided to continue the angular stack. I’ve come to appreciate angular, it feels like it’s easier to pick up then react. The code feels cleaner, I think the seperation in languages definitely helps that. HTML template’s are seperated into different files, where the logic is seperated in it’s own right. React does seperate the HTML “templates” or the stateless components to the logic, however you are still injecting into the virtual DOM using JSX, wether you are using the component or a container. The only seperation of languages really are the actions with redux and the reducers.

oh look it's a hashmap

So i’ve been going through the questions in chapter1 of Cracking the Coding Interview and chapter 1 is Arrays and Strings. The solutions in which I come up with primarily consists of mapping the array with their elements into a hashmap. And then from there I would either compare the second array to the map - and return false if necessary.