Picking up where i left off from my origina Rails App project and creating a front end enviornment - utilizing AJAX get and post requests. Since my original project had only 2 types of forms - to create a new user and one to create a new book and adding said book to your library, i have implented the frontend request primarily on books.
So I decided to build my app, for a book club, where you can track the books you are reading, add a book - bookmark a book; to pick what page you are up to or have it as complete. Once book was completed user profile would have a list of currently reading and a list for completed books.
I decided to build my project on the collection of games. I have some thought on what i wanted to do and had that written down on the side. I started off by setting up all the directories and gems that i needed. After the initial set up, i started out building migrations and models afterwards with associations.
Just finished the SQL segments of the Curriculum. I think I’ll double back on the last section in regards to table relations, just to get some more practice in joining tables and writing SQL queries. At the moment I have been building the simplest query and building upon that query while runnings tests to determine my output and the comparison of my output and what hte tests are asking for. It is working however it takes a little time to decipher each step at a time, thus practice makes perfect right?
Every winter, the process restarts. The process of looking for that ski resort that is both open and just got hit with lots of snow. I was introduced to the sport of snowboarding back in highschool and although thrilling was not yet my passion as I got injured on the mountain.