Revisiting code you have touched in even a week or so requires you to look over it again. Refreshing one’s mind of what each line of code does in the specific file you are looking at is key. I’ve recently experienced this as I have revisited a project I have been randomly adding to. I was trying to continue to work on the new feature upon I discovered I need recall what I wrote in my componenet, action and reducers.
I was never the most creative indvidual artistically and that was what CSS was to me. However i’ve utilized it not to “pretty” things up but more just to make things more viewable; readability. It was an interesting concept the more I started to utilize it; however my projects are never heavy on css - they are primarily spacing, borders - centering items and shifting objects as the screen shrank.
I was recently presented with a challenge to develop a two page responsive microsite. This project involved creating validations for a form fields, enter Regex. I have to be honest Regex… is not my best topic, I had to scoure StackOverFlow for similar functions and played around with it on This blog post is the intermission.
I have decided to work on the CS stack to learn more about algorithms and Big O. It’s definitely a new experience, something that I will need to continue to work on. Currently I’m near the end of the stack with the last remainder two labs; however the first of the 3 last labs took me a while to accomplish and took a lot of going back and forth into the lab. I’m definitly not comfortable with hash tables, merge sorts and etc. yet. There are different things I can accomplish with it, not just sorting but finding speicifc entries. To clarify the last lab I did was the two sum problem.
This was a large undertaking, as initially i was raking my brain on how to get started. But after a cooloff period, I thought calmly and ideas started to flood in and that I learned how to build both sides of it seperatly, but now i need to combine the two!!